Because you give a shave!

Practically every man I know needs a quality razor, and wouldn’t it be nice to get these razors at an actually decent price? Well, we just may have the answer: Harry’s, a quality shave at a fair price. Warby Parker co-founder Jeff Raider and his longtime friend Andy Katz-Mayfield started Harry’s with the idea that shaving is not just about over-priced razors to get the job done. Rather, the whole process is about the “shaving experience.”

Not only does Harry’s offer quality razors, sleek designs, and a fair price, but also for every pack of Harry’s blades that you buy, they donate one blade (or an equivalent dollar value) to an organization that supports their mission of helping people to look and feel great. Who doesn’t want to help other men look damn handsome for the job? Boom.

So, why don’t you order your set today, and try it for yourself. You can choose between the Truman ($15) or the Winston ($25) set and both come with a handle, 3 blades, and a tube of shave cream. Show the world you give a shave!

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